Understanding March Flies: How to Protect Yourself from These Pesky Biters

March flies (also known as horse flies or tabanids) are more than just an outdoor nuisance. With their painful bites and tendency to swarm during warmer months, they can disrupt outdoor activities and pose health risks to humans and animals. At Enviro Safe Pest Control, we pest control Melbourne provide reliable solutions to help you manage these annoying pests and keep your property free from their bites.

What Are March Flies?

March fly are large, robust insects that typically appear during the warmer months of spring and summer, particularly in areas with high humidity and near bodies of water. Contrary to what their name suggests, they don’t just appear in March but can be active throughout late spring and summer, especially after periods of rain.

Why Are March Flies a Problem?

March flies are known for their painful bites, which they use to feed on blood. Unlike mosquitoes, which draw blood using a needle-like proboscis, March flies use their sharp mouthparts to slice through the skin. This makes their bites more painful and often results in swelling, itching, and irritation. Some individuals may even experience allergic reactions to their bites.

In addition to affecting humans, March flies also target livestock, particularly horses and cattle. Their bites can cause stress in animals, impacting their health and productivity. Large populations of March flies can also reduce the enjoyment of outdoor activities, such as picnics, gardening, or hiking.

How to Manage March Fly Infestations

Preventing and managing March flies can be challenging, but there are effective strategies to reduce their numbers and minimize the chances of getting bitten.

  1. Remove Breeding Sites: March flies breed in damp areas, particularly around stagnant water, wet soil, and marshes. By reducing standing water on your property and keeping your yard well-drained, you can help minimize their breeding grounds.

  2. Protective Clothing: Wearing long sleeves, pants, and light-colored clothing can reduce the chances of being bitten when spending time outdoors. March flies are attracted to dark colors, so lighter clothing can help you stay under their radar.

  3. Use Repellents: Insect repellents containing DEET or picaridin can be effective in keeping March flies at bay. Apply repellent to exposed skin and reapply as necessary when outdoors for extended periods.

  4. Screening and Outdoor Barriers: Installing fine mesh screens on windows and doors can help prevent March flies from entering your home. For outdoor gatherings, consider using screened enclosures or tents to create a fly-free zone.

  5. Traps and Insecticides: For more serious infestations, March fly traps and insecticides can help reduce their numbers. Traps often use attractants, such as heat or carbon dioxide, to lure and capture flies. Professional pest control services, like those offered by Enviro Safe Pest Control, can also provide targeted treatments to eliminate March flies in your area.

Why Choose Enviro Safe Pest Control?

Dealing with March flies can be frustrating, especially during their peak seasons. Our expert team at Enviro Safe Pest Control offers comprehensive pest management solutions tailored to your needs. We can help identify and address breeding sites, apply safe and effective treatments, and offer advice on long-term prevention methods to keep March flies away. we offer possum removal in Melbourne, wasp control Melbourne 


March flies may seem like a minor annoyance, but their bites can quickly turn outdoor activities into an uncomfortable experience. By taking preventive steps and seeking professional help when necessary, you can reduce the impact of March flies on your property. At Enviro Safe Pest Control, we’re here to ensure you can enjoy your outdoor spaces without the constant worry of painful fly bites.

Contact us today to learn more about our March fly control services and how we can help you protect your home and outdoor areas.

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